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HomeIce MerchandisersOutdoor Ice Merchandisers Indoor Outdoor

Outdoor  Ice Merchandisers


View Auto-Defrost Models
View Auto-Defrost Models
451-7801 - LEER - 40 cu ft Outdoor Ice Merchandiser
452-7801 - LEER -40 cu ft Outdoor Ice Merchandiser
454-7801 -  LEER - 60 cu ft Outdoor Ice Merchandiser
457-8401 - LEER -75 cu ft Outdoor Ice Merchandiser
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These Outdoor Ice Merchandisers are not only stand-alone freezers for your bagged ice, they are proven to be great for business. Outdoor Ice Merchandisers are giant billboards advertising that you have bagged ice. They are easily recognizable and now is identified by the customer passing by that ice bags are available at your establishment Aside from being one of the highest margin items in your store. 

it is a lure to attract shoppers. We offer auto defrost or cold wall models in various sizes to suit your needs. You can make and bag your own ice for higher profits or have it delivered. Either way, it is a very profitable item on many levels for your establishment. These ice merchandisers should be placed in visible locations thereby increasing your traffic and impacting store sales dramatically